Resiliency Training and Coaching by Kippi Clausen

Building resiliency is the key to overcoming burnout in the workplace.

With an ever-increasing push for productivity, stress has become a constant in most places of employment. Unfortunately, employees who work in these environments often find themselves with little to no support on how to manage and reduce these pressures. Everyone needs to earn a living, so avoiding stress altogether is usually not an option. This is where resiliency comes in.

Resiliency is the missing piece of the puzzle to once again be happy at work. It involves learning to accept the reality of stress, rather than allowing yourself to be consumed by it.

The secret to resiliency lies in a set of skills that can be developed, practiced, and tested. I will teach you to hone these abilities, which will transform how you respond to stress and adversity. You will improve your levels of happiness and vitality, you will also feel more successful and become more satisfied with the relationships in your life. You will learn to face challenges head-on, building patterns of resiliency that will enable you to reach goals and the feeling of personal contentment.

Whether you seek training for your company or organization, or if you would just like training for yourself, I would love to work with you!

Resiliency Training for Companies, Groups & Organizations

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Resiliency Training for Executives, Professionals & Individuals

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Coaching Packages

Take yourself and your team to the next level! Coaching is nothing short of a life-changing venture. I am your guide but the territory is all yours. 

My goal will be to introduce you to different ways of thinking, focused on:

  • discovering strengths,
  • assessing habitual patterns, and
  • setting a course of action aimed at achieving desired results.

Through my coaching packages you will discover what you really want, embrace who you really are, and find ways to get to the future you desire.

I am an experienced coach with a strong background in proven methods. My approach is to help you IN-vision™ your desired outcomes, allowing you to:

  • overcome obstacles,
  • change habits,
  • build trust, and
  • establish a sustainable work–life balance

with a focus on increasing your resiliency and reducing stress and burnout.

I will make extensive use of assessments as we explore your goals, current patterns, and emerging opportunities, as we create an action plan to achieve measurable results. My approach is flexible and personalized. As we work together, I will remain results-focused and devoted to helping you discover your full potential. 

For Individuals and executives I conduct sessions in person, via video conference call or over the phone.
For teams, coaching generally involves a team and individual assessment, group sessions.